Archives For Life Off Beat

Few things are worse (or scarier) than palpitations that come every few seconds and won’t seem to go away.  It feels like your heart is about to give up.  I have often focused on permanent remedies that will remove heart palpitations for good, but there are some temporary techniques/solutions that will hopefully stop or slow them down for a while. (If you want to see a longer list of cures and remedies, be sure to check out my post called “The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations”)

Photo credit: Flickr (Creative Commons)

I wish I would have known some of these instant tips and tricks when I first felt my palpitations go out of control.  Some work better than others, but all of them are worth trying (if you are physically able to do so.)  Just remember, only do these if your doctor has said that your heart palpitations are just an annoyance and nothing to worry about.  The last thing you want to do is waste time doing these exercises when you should be going to a hospital. Continue Reading…

Start Here To Learn More About Heart Palpitations

After dealing with an irregular heartbeat for a number of years now (you can read about my story HERE), I have put together a compilation of ideas on how to manage stress, anxiety and heart palpitations.  Keep in mind that it is just a bunch of collected research and I am not a medical professional.  I am just a guy who got sick and tired of dealing with heart palpitations.

First off, there are few things you should know:

  1. I don’t think there is a magic cure all for an irregular heartbeat (or stress and anxiety for that matter).  Some certainly claim there is and I will provide those for you in detail.  But there are many different types of irregular heartbeats, and what works for some might not work for others.
  2. This is just what I have found in my research.  I have found things that work for me, and I have done countless research on what has worked for others.  But in the end each person is different.
  3. Please do not do anything described or recommended in this website without the consultation and consent of your Primary Care Physician or Cardiologist.  After all, this is your heart we are dealing with.
  4. This compilation is a work in progress.  And it is a collaboration. So please feel free to let me know what has worked for you!

So now that we got that out of the way, here is a quick overview of some steps to take to manage or cure your palpitations.  I go into more detail on each topic, but hopefully this will give you a 10,000 ft. view of where we are headed. Continue Reading…