The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations

Tom August  —  January 6, 2020

When I first started having heart skips I spent an embarrassing amount of time scouring the internet looking for the illusive cure for heart palpitations. If you are reading this right now I suspect you are doing, or have done, the same thing. This blog series is an effort to put an end to the hours of mindless research for cures. My hope is that it will help you quickly find what works best to manage your palpitations so you can get back to a normal life.

Natural Cures for Heart Palpitations

Photo Credit: Gerard79

So in order to consolidate things, I have tried to put together a running list of possible “cures” for heart palpitations that I have found in my research across the internet. For each palpitation remedy I have written or will write a post with more details so you can comment on whether that specific cure worked for you or not.

I’m not saying that these work for everyone (or that you should try any or all of them), I am just saying that someone, somewhere on the internet has claimed that it worked for them (I will do my best to provide links to where I found it so you can dig deeper if you would like). There are many different types of heart palpitations and many different causes, so what works for someone else may not work for you. Also, many of these cures were likely the result of multiple factors and not just one single thing. And as always, please don’t try any of these without first consulting your primary care physician and/or your cardiologist.

My goal is to try and find the BEST cures for palpitations (as determined by actual people). The only way to do that is with your help. So please be sure to let us know what has worked best for you and what hasn’t worked!

If you would like to get an email every time I discuss a new cure, be sure to sign up for the Life Off Beat mailing list – you can do that HERE. No spam, I promise (and of course you can unsubscribe at any time).

So without further ado, here is the list I have put together so far. Please let me know if I left anything off!

Possible Heart Palpitation Cures

(Click on the specific cure for more detail)



  • Blackstrap Molasses
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Lemon Juice
  • Oil Pulling
  • Chamomile Tea
  • Peppermint Tea
  • Lemon Balm Tea
  • Honey
  • Grape Juice
  • Guava
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Alkaline Diet
  • Paleo Diet
  • Dash Diet
  • Peppermint

Food to AVOID

  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Aspartame (nutrisweet)
  • Milk Products
  • Sodium Nitrates
  • Peanut Butter
  • Caffeine
  • Sugar
  • Ma huang/Ephedra


  • Beta Blockers

Medicines That Could CAUSE Heart Palpitations

  • Decongestants
  • Antihistamines
  • Pseudoephedrine

Did I leave anything off? Do you have any cures that worked for your or for someone you know?

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DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind I am NOT a medical professional and this is NOT a Medical website. I am just a guy who got sick and tired of dealing with anxiety, stress, and benign heart palpitations and started blogging about my journey. Hopefully some of that information is helpful to you. But what works for me or others might not work for you. Please do not do ANYTHING described or recommended in this website without the consultation and consent of your Primary Care Physician or Cardiologist. After all, this is your heart we are talking about. Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission that goes toward supporting this website. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

172 responses to The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations

  1. Thanks so much for your continued work on this blog – it has certainly served to ease my fears, give me hope, and helped me to manage my palpitations. It’s great just to know I’m not alone!

    For me, the most effective ways to ‘short circuit’ palpitations have been:

    – posture (avoid reclining);
    – a good night’s sleep;
    – exercise;
    – avoiding stress;
    – peppermint tea

    No definitive cure, but all these things seem to help me…

    • Hey Dave! Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you found the site helpful. And thanks for sharing what works best for you. It looks like a good list. Having good posture is always one that I forget about.

      • I am not sure I understand your blog—– what has actually helped you?
        I am getting pvc all day—every 3 or 4th beat like you did.

        Please help!

        • Everything he listed helped him or he has at least tried. I gather that exercise and some of the immediate actions, such as bearing down, are the most effective for him, and he took some Beta-blockers (even though…they can cause heart palpitations too!).

      • Sommer Gonzales-White July 30, 2017 at 6:23 pm

        I just found this today after one of my hunderes of research for this stupid heart palps.. I’m sad all of us are experiencing this but honestly feel better knowing I’m not alone and not dying. Thank you for taking the time to write and document your journey. I pray for each of us that we all get better and continue to push forward in this season.

    • Thanks Dave your posture approach has really helped with
      mine. I also have had good success with the Valsalva maneuver when I start to get them it sometime takes a few tries but it has usually make them stop.

    • Thanks Dave I completely agree wt u on the reducing reclining posture to avoid heart palpitations…av also observed that avoiding drugs with sodium chloride as bulking or caking agents helps a great deal …look out for drugs bulked or caked with magnesium components.

  2. Thank you for this blog! I read it often. There are so many people out there suffering so I count myself among good company – misery loves company! Anyway, my story started with experiencing spells of high heart rate beginning in my teens (I’m now 47). At first they were only a few minutes long so there was no real time to react to them. In my mid 20’s I was under a lot of stress (divorce, small child, working, going to college) and my diet was the typical American “young person” diet of fast food and eating on the go. One day the very rapid heartbeats started while I was at work and they called an ambulance. The paramedic said I was “taching out.” At the hospital they gave me Verapamil intravenously. My pulse immediately returned to normal and I was released to go home. I followed up with a cardiologist and he put me on 180 mg Verapamil and I’ve been on that or something like it ever since.

    Sidenote – I did tolerate my 2 subsequent pregnancies very well; I’ve ready this is due to increased blood volume. I know some people worry about this so I thought I would mention it.

    Anxiety has been a part of my life since I was a child – fears; easily overwhelmed, allergies, etc. Once the palpitations became part of my “new normal”, my anxiety can go through the roof! I’ve had all the tests, everything is always ok. No mitral valve prolapse, electrolytes good, nothing that would indicate why I am having problems.

    I am now on a new regimen of prescriptions – Metoprolol, Effexor and Buspar. I will keep you posted how those work!

    My advice is to read all you can, pray and verbalize your feelings – especially in the middle of of a palp/anxiety attack. Conversations with myself go something like this…(oh, by the way, they almost all come on when I am at work in an office building 30 miles away from my house – very inconvenient) “I am feeling anxious because I’ve had several palpitations today and I am terrified they won’t stop. Although my heart is healthy, it is sensitive to adrenaline and is reacting to the amount of adrenaline in my body. It also reacts to abdominal pressure so I will do what I can to relieve that by sitting up straight or standing.”

    Thanks for listening and I pray we all find a way to live confidently and joyfully.

    Lynn G

    • Lynn, thank you so much for sharing your story! I’m sorry you have had to deal heart palpitations and rapid heartbeat for so long, but I know that others will find encouragement from your experience. I am glad every test has come back normal! Hopefully your new regimen of prescriptions will help you and your heartbeat get back on track. I think your advice is great. I’ve had countless conversations with myself very similar to yours. They are good reminders! Thanks again for writing in. Be sure to keep us posted on how things are going.

    • Lynn, thank you so much for your post. I am in tears because your story sounds just like mine. And although I hate that you have had to experience this for most of your life, I am so relieved to know that I am not the only one. Thank you so much for sharing.

      Also, thank you for including the bit about handling two pregnancies just fine with palps. I have always second guessed whether I should have children because I am afraid that they will get worse during pregnancy. Thanks again! 🙂

    • Lynn, thanks for sharing about the talks you have with yourself. I’ve thought about trying this, but am mostly not by myself when I need the talk so I feel silly doing it. Is it helping?

    • Thank you for this. I am a huge fan of self talk but in the moment I become terrible at calming myself down. I literally wrote your words down and have been rehearsing these lines. Thank you thank you thank you!

    • Dear Lynn,
      Bless you, what a journey !

      Please consider what proximity you have to wifi, cell phones, cell antennas, plug-in electric clocks, electrical appliances, hybrid cars, the long life curly-cue shaped light bulbs…on and on. Electro-hypersensitivity is now considered a real illness and is disabling to 3-5% of the population.
      Some of us have a low threshold to this man made electrical frequencies.
      Some of my heart palp friends improved greatly by minimizing exposure to these things.
      This includes me for sure. If I am even near someones i-phone while it is turned on, my heart goes off. I take a calcium channel blocker to manage my daily life somehwat, but have to be very careful of being around wifi, etc.
      Good Luck and God Bless You,

      • I found your post very interesting. I consider myself one of the lucky few who doesn’t get pvcs too often…I go weeks without them sometimes. I’ve had a heart monitor for a month and a stress test in the past and all comes back normal. Well last night I played laser tag for the first time. About two hours later my pvcs started up…like every couple minutes. I went to bed and this morning they are still consistent but a little better. I’m wondering if the laser tag could have thrown off my rthym? I know it sounds silly, but just a thought?

        • Hi Jessica,
          It could be the laser tag electrical frequency, or it could possibly be caused any anxiety associated with that game in an individual case.
          Everyone has a variable threshold to stressors, such as wireless frequencies.
          Mine is quite low to almost anything wireless.
          Yours may be triggered by such things as I noted in my post, or even laser tag.
          It is always a little weird to explain, because the wavelengths of electricity are invisible
          and most of the modern society presumes the use of all the electrical devices to be a normal part of life these days.
          And…that is indeed so for most people.
          Except for those of us who are sensitive to them.
          The human heartbeat is an exquisite wavelike electrical impulse that flows through the heart muscle to create a normal heart pulse pattern.
          For those who have a had a traumatic event, physical or emotional, or some stressful crisis, certain of us develop an unusual sensitivity to the wireless electrical frequencies which disturb the “normal” electrical frequency of the heart.
          I am one of those types.. I have a scar on my heart muscle from an acute allergic reaction, which seized the heart muscle and damaged it. Since that time I am hyper-sensitive…already being throughout my life, somewhat sensitive.
          The best way to find out is to experiment.
          Do what you do normally, try something that may trigger a palpitation, then wait awhile until you normalize. The if you do that thing again and see if it creates another palp… there you have your result.
          Good luck.
          Take care with what you learn of how to be well. And champion your own well being.
          Best Wishes,

    • Verbalizing is so important! I’d like to add: I’ve noticed that sometimes my PVCs come when I’m upset by trying to damp down my emotions and remain calm (while I’m boiling on the inside, or hurt over something). I’m not a proponent of rage or screaming, but talking it out helps. 🙂

    • Jutta Lage-Peters January 22, 2016 at 12:39 pm

      Hi Lynn,
      I am with you there. I was pregnant (that was 30 yrs ago) and the Doc mentioned I had an arrhythmia, nothing to worry I guess. I guess I never felt them. Then anxiety set in during my mid-20s, and boom…it took off from there. Ulcerative Colitis (talk about abdominal pressure like you said), general anxiety disorder, yep..plagued with worries, fear and other disabilitating things. It is terrible. There are times I actually fear to exercise because I think I will die 🙂 Scenario: I walk quite a bit and I live in a very rural area. I look forward to my walk with dogs through the woods and blueberry fields. Second thought (after I walked one mile or two): “There has been a pack of coyotes and they will surely come and start preying on me. I better get back out into the open field…I will probably have a heart attack when they show up in the thicket…and so on.” By then I have severe pals and worry about who will find me. It is almost ridiculous.
      You (we) are strong. I take Hawthorne and that works pretty good.

      • I have had these exact thoughts and results (from said thoughts)! It is debilitating when trying to exercise to get healthier. As soon as I start to feel my heart rate increase I immediately think I need to slow down so my heart doesn’t start to pal. Thank you for helping me to feel my thoughts are not just my own!

    • Be careful, you mentioned Effexor, I was recently prescribed that for my Anxiety and I had SO many reactions to it and my body did not get used to it. That medication was by far the scariest thing I’ve ever taken in my life. I was on 75mg

    • Hi

      Im not sure if this website is still active, its been long since anyone posted anything. Im just wondering how is it going with the pulpitations as I too have them and found reading everyones post really comforting.


  3. Thanks so much for this site. I am just starting to figure out what my palpitations are all about. btw, I noticed that your list of possible cures says to click on each item for more detail, but they aren’t clickable. Will you be working on that?

  4. I just joined your site and have read most of it. I have had palpitations/skipped beats, a-fib, flutters (my cadiologist seems to call it a difference thing at every visit) fo 12 years and have relied on toprol, not knowing there are things to do or to avoid. I do know not to panic and just relaxing helps. Two things I don’t see mentioned on this site are smoking and beer. Both can be bad for you in many ways, but both (in great moderation) help me relax. Any thoughts or experiences?

    • Good question. I don’t have any experience smoking cigarettes, but alcohol makes my palpitations worse. Maybe it is a mental thing, but I generally try to stay away from it like I do sodas or coffee. Some people say that a glass of wine at the end of the day really helps them relax and it helps take away the palpitations. But more often than not, I have found that people say that smoking or beer made things worse. I would be curious as to what other people think though. Anyone find that cigarettes or alcohol has helped reduce their palpitations?

      • Yes, alcohol does reduce my palpitations significantly (not that I recommend self-medicating in this manner at all!) I do notice when I have 2 or 3 beers at a time, my palpitations are reduced or even eliminated. I try not to use this remedy very often for obvious reasons, but it does help me.

      • Yep. Strangely. I notice that if they are bad, a couple of sips of wine (or any alcohol) will stop them right away in 90% of the time. This amount is too small for any relaxing effect so I have come to believe that it has something to do with alcohol being a vasodilator. Less pressure on the heart? My cardio agrees. First one that didn’t look at me like an alcoholic! However, if too much alcohol is consumed, and for me it is as low as 2 glasses of wine, especially on an empty stomach, I will later on have more palps. So there it is. In all my years of searching the internet looking for a cause, I have never come across another person who has had the same reaction to small amount of alcohol.

      • Jutta Lage-Peters January 22, 2016 at 12:46 pm

        Cigarettes (I at times have three organic (lol) ones a day..then stop for days, then start again) are definitely not a good thing for me. They seem to calm my nerves when I am stressed out but after a few drags I get dizzy, then worry about and then get heart pals. Stupid right? Sometimes I have too much caffeine and that is DEFINITELY a starter. I do not drink any alcohol. The reason for that is that I went to hospital with anxiety attack and heart pals and the nurse told me to have a glass of red wine at night…I did, and it turned into a whole bottle. But I did not feel any better. I take Hawthorne and that seems to help.

      • I realize you left the question a couple of years ago but I have only just found this site. I have PVCs and PACs and they are becoming more frequent as I get older (I’m 63 now and the palpitations started almost 10 years ago). I have tried almost everything suggested with varying results. The one thing that consistently helps me is a very small amount of beer or alcoholic cider. I am talking about 1/2 cup maximum. I don’t know why it helps but it stops my PVCs within about 5 minutes. Too much (1 can beer or cider is a lot for me) can cause the palpitations.

        • Wow! At last another like me. I too often find relief with a small amount of alcohol. Everyone thinks I’m crazy. The only thing I can think of is that in small amounts alcohol dilates your blood vessels. There you go. I’m going through a very bad time right now with my health and as a consequence the palps were non stop day and night for a month. Real nightmare. Totally ruined me and I ended up in hopital. My cardiologist said they were too much and put me on anti arithmetic meds. I love the absence of the palps but I worry about consequences of these meds…. Hopefully i Can stop them soon. Good luck

          • plusha, after realizing the alcohol helped, I researched what alcohol does (in small amounts). As you pointed out, it dilates the blood vessels. I explored what supplements would do that and came across Nitric Oxide. L-Arginine and Citrulline make NO. Check out the books by Nobel Prize winners on Nitric Oxide, or do research on it. It may help you. Don’t use any products except those two supplements. I also had bloodwork done to test my ‘micronutrient’ levels. I had to use a naturopathic doctor to do this. The blood is tested differently from they way your regular doctor tests. I was surprised to find I was deficient in Magnesium because my regular doctor said my mag. was fine. I started supplementing (about 600-800mg daily) and find this helps calm the pvc’s and pac’s.

          • Thank you for the advice, I will definitely follow it up.

      • The night I take alcohol, I can expect palpitations. Have an early light dinner and go to bed after 2 hours.

  5. Thank you for this blog, Iam just new I have palps for years docs say not life threatning.Now i just go to my jym up in my loft, hop on to my exircise bike put on some heavy metal sounds,Takes about one hour if iam to get some calm.Tryed your other methods some time they worked, Some time they did not.Any way we can onty keep on trying diffrent ways of giving us comfort.Thank very much.

    • Alex, thanks for your comment! I agree with you, my favorite way to battle palpitations is through exercise.

  6. Hello everyone, I am new to the situation, but NOT new to anxiety/panic. I, too am doing lots of my own research and somehow feel that food allergies or sensitivities could play into my palpitations as I have noticed them after eating, especially certain foods. Can this happen? I know from experience that the medical field is not very supportive in getting to the bottom of poor health and food problems.

    • I absolutely believe that certain foods can have an affect on palpitations and anxiety. The quantity of food can also affect on your body as well. The tough part is pin pointing which foods are causing the problem. I once read that a guy simply took peanut butter out of his diet (along with caffein and alcohol) and his palpitations went away. That doesn’t work for everyone, but he may have had a mild allergy to peanuts.

      • Thank you for your time and help with heart palpitations. I have them since 4 years ago, and I have been getting them more frequently now.
        First I have read and experienced more palpitations when I eat chocolate and peanut butter, and most probably carbonated drinks.
        I have made all medical test and they are ok.
        I am going to start taking magnesium, I have most of the symptoms of its deficiency …let’s see how it goes.

        • it is so horrible to have heart beating so hard my body shakes, I believe if there is a cause then there is an effect , I saw 15 MD’s , 3 cardiologist and 1 infectious disease doctor, they really had no answers for me . I read one guy’s story where he drank some baking soda and salt together in glass of water ice cold water fast and keeping his feet up and stopped his palpitations ,
          I decided to go an ND who made me keep a journal of my heart palpitations, I got checked for: iron deficiency, micro-nutrient deficiencies, hormonal balances ., I skipped the parasite test because the are not usually accurate. And just did a parasite detox cleanse, and to check for food allergies I was put on a food elimination diet, which is considered a much more accurate test, than a scratch test or blood test. I was told it was important to stop ALL vitamin supplements…I guess sometimes vitamins can cause issues, especially B. I even had a dental cavitation surgery because dental issues can cause issues with your heart. Everything kept pointing to candida overgrowth , and I got on Diflucan for one month, and was put on simple diet of greens, and chicken, fish some nuts. .I was cured!

      • I just wanted to reply that i do not drink nor have i eatten peanut butter unless peanuts count as peanut butter and i get palpitations, they were often but the less I’m in stressful situations the less i have palpi, i also pray a lot for other people in my building that have heart palpitations are where where ever in the world

  7. Hi just thought I’d share my story with you all and see if anyone has had similar. When the palpitations are at there worst you feel like the only person in the world who is going through it, so It’s nice to chat with people who are experiencing the same thing

    I’m currently 22 years old and first started experiencing heart palpitations at the age of 18/19, the summer after my first year of university. Poor diet, heavy drinking, smoking and recreational use of drugs probably didn’t help and probably brought them on in the first place, but anyone who has been to university will agree I was not in the minority. During this summer I would continually get awful heart palpitations that ranged from what felt like small twitches, to huge skipped beats that felt as if a cannon was exploding in my chest (these were horrible). I also would get severe pins and needles in my arms and hands that made me short of breath and extremely dizzy and spaced out. It was ruling my life and I was feeling ill everyday, to the point where I looked forward to falling asleep every night

    After going to the doctors I was moved around nearly all departments, ranging from the cardiologist to the neurologist etc but they couldnt find anything. At first due to me being such a young age they refused to accept it was my heart and placed the blame on anxiety. Admittedly I got anxious when the heart palpitations were happenning – but who wouldn’t?? They even tried to use medication as a placebo thinking it would make a difference, and obviously it didn’t..
    I was unwilling to accept it as anxiety, so I kept pestering the doctors, making sure that whenever I was feeling ill I would head straight to A&E until they had to do something about it – What the doctors seem to forget is that you are having to live with it everyday, and even the process of being referred to the next person means having to wait an extra month of you feeling like shit!!

    Anyway I eventually had a number of test such as the Ultrasound of the heart, 24hr ECG, 72hr ECG and the exercise stress test. Of course during these test I didn’t have a single heart palpitation, even though it normally always happens when I’ve got to laugh sometimes!

    After further pushing I saw the doctor who deals with the electronic of the heart, and managed to book an adenosine test (or something similar). If i’m not mistaken the medication they used blocks an electrical Node in the heart, and would show if I have a ‘third pathway’ or delta wave (where the heart current tries to divert). During the test nothing happenned until at the very end after they had stopped recording it on paper, I suddenly felt my heart skip a beat! The consultant watching said “Aha, I spotted that! That was a delta wave. We havent got it recorded but I saw it”. (Of course they didnt get it recorded).

    This made me eligible for the next test where they stuck a number of wires up through my leg and into my heart where they started to beat it manually. Apparently by doing this they could attempt to locate the whereabouts of the delta wave. Which if they found, meant they could freeze the part of the heart where it was to prevent it happening in the future. Again my luck they couldnt find it, which meant I could have a Reveal XT device placed into my chest to monitor my heart rate for over a year (This is a small usb stick not connected to anything that they place just under the skin in your chest).

    This brings me to now. Although over the past year or so my symptoms have been nowhere near to the same extreme as they used to be. The heart palpitations although no where near gone happen less occasionally than they used to. As I saw in a previous comment, I can have a few weeks of near on nothing, then say a week of misbeats every day.
    Also the pins and needles only happen very occasionally.
    I definitely think that all of this is due to a better diet, stopping smoking and drugs, and a reduction in drinking. Certain things seem to trigger my heart to spas out such as adrenalin, stress, exercise, bending over, caffeine, spirits, certain foods, rushing around, lack of sleep, doing nothing all day etc.
    I probably should exercise more but often I get too frightened and I’m pretty unwilling until they know exactly whats going on. Decided to write all this as I had one of my worst ever bouts of heart flutters earlier that didn’t feel like it was going to stop. Think I needed to get it all off my chest.

    Thanks for this page, and thanks for listening, any comments are welcome

    P.S. Forgot to add earlier I’ve tried potassium and beta blockers and they didn’t personally work for me.


    • Tom, thank you so much for sharing your story! It is similar to mine in so many ways. I hated getting passed around to all the different doctors, but it sounds like you are now on the right track. I can definitely relate to what you are going through, and I know others will definitely relate to what you had to say as well.

    • (wifi and cell phone transmission as a heart disturbance.)

      Dear Tom, et al,

      Thanks for your thorough story here.
      I developed arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation in graduate school and eventually had to drop out, as I could not function effectively it was so severe. After many medical tests and explorations, the treatments began to aggravate my heart even more than when I started them, so I started sleuthing out the cause.
      Was it situational ?
      I noticed that when I went camping or stayed in a cabin off the grid, sleeping away from man made electrical fields, my heart would normalize to my great relief.
      I finally traced the primary heart stressor to be the wifi at my computer work station which I was using more and more as I progressed through grad school to do research, write papers, coursework, etc.
      Also I noticed that when I used a cell phone or someone near me had one on, my heart would ache, then go into palpitations…
      I have since removed wifi from my environment as much as possible, try to stay away from excessively wired areas, had an electrical smart meter removed and replaced with an analog meter, used a fabric called “SwissShield” as a sleep canopy. All this has helped.
      Creating distance from cell phones, wifi, electric bedroom clocks, cell phone antennas, i-phone hotspots, even AC wiring for extra-sensitive types like me, can all help.
      The excellent suggestions on this blog are all good. They have helped me too.
      My input is that there is this invisible ingredient in our lives, wireless electrical magnetic frequencies (EMFs) that are a contributing cause to heart palpitations for some folks.

      Hope this helps.
      Good Luck All !

      • I totally agree with you sir! So i work at a warehouse driving a forklift with a big ass battery in front of me… electric equipment. Then add to that, i work at night, i dont get sleep how i suppose to, and my phone is always on me..
        Ill try to use less my phone “from now on” lol you know what help me calm the palps? When i eat Chinese food it has something on the food that really helped me

  8. Hi just throwing this out there let me know what you think. I believe that I read somewhere that alcohol works on the Gaba receptors in the brain. So I guess that’s what would make sense to me why alcohol has that effect on some people with palpitations because of a deficiency in Gaba. Maybe??

  9. Thanks so much for all this great info. My husband seems to always get bad bouts of heart palpitations every fall and has been to the doctor and had an EKG and bloodwork but everything came back normal. After reading this post however we came to the conclusion that they are possibly being caused by his otc allergy meds that he takes in the fall combined with an increase in whey protein intake, caffeine, and not enough sleep. Going to try to cut out caffeine and allergy meds and cut down on whey protein and see if this helps. Hopefully we are right and he will be feeling better soon! For now we’ll try the coughing, cold shower, etc 🙂 wonderful site thanks again.

  10. Thanks for the site. It is really helpful.

  11. Thank you so much for this site! I’m 19 and have had heart palpitations since around 13 that are linked to my hormone levels. I have SVT’s and my heart races to 200 bpm as opposed to skipping beats. I get extremely short of breath and wheezy so exercise is the last thing I should do but a lot of these remedies sound awesome and I’m going to try many of them in the future. It’s also just good to know I’m not alone 🙂

  12. The best cure I have found for palpitations is to lay in a bath of Epsom salts. (1cup-2cups) with as hot water as you can take. I recommend 1/2 hour – 2 hours.
    I have had palpitations for a month from taking 2 ASA (aspirin) and the palpitations started and don’t seem to go away unless I take the salt bath. Very frustrated………

    • Epsom salts are high in Magnesium. Some research shows that we absorb this mineral via the skin, in spite the fact that skin should be impervious to it… But they found plasma magnesium levels increase after an epsom salts bath. Maybe try to take good magnesium supplements. My cardio told me to do so. At the end of the day though, maybe a bath is just relaxing. In any case, if you found a nice solution such as a bath, stick to it! Half your luck!.

    • Omg. I just discovered this. This morning I was up sick with PVCs an feeling drained and nauseated from Metoprolol and a Calcium Channel blocker. So I decided to take an Epsom salt bath. I have not had a good night’s sleep for months. After the bath I laid down and did not wake up.until 1:00 this after noon. I have had more energy than I have since taking the beta blockers. In fact, I have not taken one pill and usually by now I have to take some medication. I know I cannot just stop the medication cold, but I will be weaning.

      • Hi Ola
        Glad to hear you had some positive results. Epsom salts are full of MAGNESIUM. This is what my cardiologist put me on: twice a day, morning and night, total 600-650mg per day but make sure it is good quality stuff. It will be a bit pricey. I use a German brand of Mag citrate I think. Can’t remember the name but if you are interested I will post it. And aside from minor flaps, so far so good, on my 7th month of feeling better. I hope it continues. I am in the midst of the big M so that doesn’t help. Good luck! I have a prescription for beta blockers but so far have not been brave enough to try them. What do they feel like? i thought they might help on a long distance flight as i have a fear of flying. Cheers!

      • Margarita Carcamo September 27, 2016 at 7:11 pm

        So thankful to have found this blog!!!
        I’ve had palpitations for longer than I can remember.
        Mine seem to happen when I’m in deep sleep, they wake me violently and can last for fifteen minutes plus…scary!!!
        Ola, when do you take your Epson Salt baths? when you’re having the palps? or prior to having them?

  13. After about 7 panicked emergency room visits in the last few months and almost every heart test possible being done, I thought I’d leave my two cents.

    One doctor told me that uptight people get PACs/PVCs/palpitations. He said that constant high levels of adrenaline (caused by anxiety) can make you and your heart jumpy. So the first step is to solve the anxiety issues. He also said they’re super common and that the best way to get rid of them, as mentioned on this website, is regular vigorous exercise. He said exercise is the best beta blocker out there.

    Also, I found it interesting to be told that I am low in potassium. Most people in America are way too low in potassium. I think that could be it. But every single doctor I’ve seen about this (9 in total!) has told me that they are completely harmless.

    In my own personal ‘trial and error’, I’ve noticed that if I’m low on carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, rice etc) then I will start to feel kind of weak and will get more palps. Something to do with hunger. Then they can also happen when I’ve been very hungry and then eat a lot.

    My final personal solution to this is to get all the minerals and vitamins in order. To start eating way more raw fruits/veggies (smoothies) and to exercise regularly. Hopefully this minimizes the palps which will minimize the anxiety and solve this issue.

  14. Hi,
    Thank you for this website. It is a relief to read about people experiencing what I have because you can feel pretty alone when these palpitations start…
    I started feeling them 18 months ago. I went to the emergency and they kept me for 2 days, testing and searching… I had a ECG, holter for 24 h, then cardio monitor for 2 weeks (you look like a robot, quite fun), ultrasound and stress test. My heart is healthy but reacts too much to adrenaline. The doctors even asked me 8 times if I did cocaine the night before (I never took any illegal drugs). I even don’t drink coffee because I am suffering from GERD.
    I have noticed that if I suffer badly from GERD, I might feel more palpitations. There is a possibility for it since the nerves of oesophagus and nerves of the heart share similar properties. So, an healthy diet obviously help. I have tried L-Theanine but I feel awful with it. it makes my blood pressure drop too low. So I rely on magnesium, valeriane, and when it is very very bad, I take some bromazepam. The cardiologists prefer me taking small dose of bromazepam than beta-blockers. Of course, you cannot take more than for some days in order not to get addicted but it helps in case the palpitations are very bad (a skipping beat every 5 seconds).
    Meditation, breath exercise and lots of cardio help me. The fantastic thing about cardio is that my palpitations immediately stop when I do run or bike. Only to come back some hours after the work-out.
    Good luck to all of you. Living with ESV is really a difficult one but we have to remember that these palpitations are harmless on a healthy heart!

  15. You mention breathing techniques, but I can’t find any detail on what breathing techniques. I can’t find many details on any of your cures. Can you point me to links that go into detail on these cures? Thank you.

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    • Not EVERYTHING has to be for profit! Some people just want to help. Leave it alone, please.

  17. thanka so much guys ill try to think less about my heart because now i know m not the only one and my heart’s palpitations causes anxiety over me resulting to heart palpitations again !!

  18. thanks so much for this post! I just tried coughing, changing position and the vagus nerve thing and now i haven’t had any ‘skips’ for a few minutes after having a bad night
    tonight…hopefully this will be a start of new hope for me… I’ve been having these palps for 2 yrs now and they are ruining my life and I haven’t been able to work, i’m 32, a mum of 2 and a nurse and I have no idea how they started- anxiety is likely but it’s like the chicken and the egg- which came first? I had a 5 day hosp admission once and everything was normal except tachycardia and ectopics but no reason why. I’ve also had a recent diagnosis of PCOS which I don’t know if it’s related. Sometimes I’ll go months and be fine and then a whole month of palps every day 🙁 I’m about 15kgs overweight but apart from that I’m healthy, i exercise and mostly happy. Help can anyone relate?? Should i try a specail diet or supplement? I’ve gone back to uni and I just want to be sucessful without these constant worries or palps happening!

  19. Hi. Me again. Just an update. I have finally found a good cardiologist, a younger man who is willing to listen and look at holistically at the person, not just the heart in isolation. He agreed with my list of triggers, proposed an explanation and suggested methods of controlling the palps. In my case I do have mild MVP, but that in itself should not cause the palps. The problem lies with an overactive sympathetic nervous system, overreacting to unconscious mild heart irregularities (something everyone experiences but most are unaware off, he assures me) with a surge in adrenaline. This causes a viscous cycle and in times of extra stress (in my case) can lead to panic attack like events. Except their are not typical panic attacks. Well, good to know, as other doctors just want to solve this by antidepressants. I do not think it is the answer. What this cardiologist has suggested is to become (yes) even more aware of what is happening with your heart and then use self talk to reassure yourself the flap was not dangerous, it was normal and halt your body over reacting. Also, he suggested aerobic exercise so the body is desensitized to changes in heart activity. Basic conditioning. I think it sounds reasonable. I have started to practice it. Will post how I go. Also he suggested magnesium. I also avoid wheat and sugar. Heart and gut connection? Absolutely says the cardiologist. He also said most in his profession are putting their heads in the sand over this. Amazing! Hope this helps. Keep posting. This forum is great, especially at times when no one in the family understands. Cheers

    • This is great!! Plusha, do you have an update???

      • Hi Jen
        I have an update… At this time I am on some heavy duty meds for the PVCs. Unfortunately. I am on Flecanide and beta blocker. This is because I was addicted to benzodiazepines (given to me for ectopics, can you believe??) and coming off them has been so horrific to my CNS that the PVCs were uncontrollable and non stop. So its bliss right now PVCs wise, as the drugs are doing a good job but this is not what you want to be on for the rest of your life!! At this stage I tried to get off the meds 3 times with no success, I guess I have to wait a while longer for my system to settle and then we will see. My cardiologist is great and with me every step of the way. Thanks for your interest. Cheers

  20. Why peanut butter?!

    • I don’t agree with peanut butter increasing palps. I eat it every day, don’t notice any more from eating it. I will never understand these things. I am sitting here comfortably and quietly, anxiety free and I’m getting them every few seconds. No rhyme or reason, and sometimes go days without any. I do believe exercise makes your heart stronger and you therefore notice them less.

      • Hey Rose, I tend to agree with you too about the peanut butter. I eat it like it is going out of style including during times when I’m not experiencing any heart palpitations. So I don’t think it is much of a factor for me either. BUT… a ton of people have said that removing peanut butter from their diet helped stop their palpitations so I figure I would include it in the list above. I guess different foods affect people differently. I lOVE peanut butter so I’m glad it doesn’t have too much (if any) affect on me.

        • One thing I have learned from years of web searching and personal observation is that there is not one answer to palps. It is many things for one person and different triggers for different people. You just have to discover what yours are. The problem is that the reaction (palps) is the same in response to a huge number of different triggers. One thing I am coming to finally accept is that there is no one thing, one solution. So for some peanuts may be an allergen, or maybe there is sugar in the peanut butter and that is the problem or something else. I think we should gather as much information as we can, experiment and work out what works for us. Good luck people!

  21. I have read that the vagus nerve is one of the causes of heart palpitations. Has any one ever noticed that when you are having a, well lets say a bad month of palps that you also have a twitching eyelid or a twitching finger or maybe get leg cramps during the same time period ? And when you are having a good month for palps you have no “twitching”.

    • Could be. Also magnesium deficiency causes twitches and cramps and palps.

    • You might also find that the symptoms are aggravated by proximity to wifi, cell phone transmissions, and electric company smart meters.
      Many phantom symptoms, which include heart palps, are also caused by such electrical interference with our natural heart beat,
      and other natural frequencies of our central nervous system.
      Experiment and see if this may be true for you.
      It certainly is a central issue for me.

      • Fascinating!! I will have to add electrical interference to the list of possible causes. Thanks Wes!

        • Hi Tom,
          I observe that each of us has a unique threshold of tolerance for EMF exposure and resultant symptoms. Most are resilient enough to ignore these frequencies and enjoy the conveniences they offer. However some percentage of us are moderately affected and another group is extremely sensitive.
          I am among the extremely sensitive, My cardiologist has done studies with his clients and confirms to me that man-made electrical influences can negatively affect the natural cardiac rhythm. He also said, ” Don’t tell anyone I told you this.”
          For me it is a direct correlation of proximal exposure with palpitations and angina. Since some electro-sensitive people with palps can manage their exposure levels somewhat, this is a useful causative factor to include.
          Thanks for this blog and best Wishes,

    • Interesting! I’ve never noticed a correlation, but I’ve never been on the lookout for it either. I will have to keep an eye out for it. You may be right!

  22. Plusha – I’m new to this blog. Can you let me know who your cardiologist is, and what part of the country he is from? It’s difficult finding a medical practitioner that listens, instead of the usual “all is well”, which might sound good, but doesn’t help with day-to-day coping or seeking a cure. I had an ablation for SVT about 3-years ago, and since that time have experienced daily PVCs, upwards of like 4000+ per day. I’ve tried a lot of different things to quell them, but nothing has worked. It’s been a serious quality of life downer! I’d be curious what your Cardio has to say about any correlation with the ablation and the post-ablation PVCs. Thanks!

    • Dear Esjaydee
      I deeply sympathise with you. No one except those afflicted can ever understand how difficult it is to live with this arrhythmia. I do hope you can find some relief. I live in Melbourne, Australia. Where are you?

  23. I’ve been struggling with palpitations for over 20 years following surgery for achalasia. ECG’s and 24 hr monitor showed all was ok….just anxiety…JUST! Lately I’ve been getting almost constant ectopic beats and another visit to the hospital showed my heart was ok but my anxiety levels were catastrophic. I was struggling to carry on with a heart that does this as it has taken away my life and now I simply exist. I’ve decided to take control and change my diet, as I feel what I eat has a massive impact on my heart. I know there is a link to the vagus nerve and this is stimulated when eating. My surgery was on my oesophagus and I wonder if

  24. last post sent before I finished!!

    I wonder if my vagus nerve could have been damaged? Does anyone know more about the vagus nerve, stomach and heart links? This site is great and so helpful! Thank you.

  25. Hi, I started to get heart palpitations last summer. I could not find any link such as food, drink, excerise to them. They seemed totally random. Anyway since September/Octoberlast year I haven’thad any. Now it seems they have returned!:( I went to the doctors last year and they could not find anythingwrong . Had bloods and ecg and no palpitations at the time so they said to keep a diary.
    Just wondering if anyone experiences them in the summer? I dunno whether it’s possible it could be due to heat, pressure etc,,?!

    Thanks amie

    • Amie, we are in the middle of a terrible heat wave , three days of extreme 109 F. So, its possible, although I have been in the house with A/C totally avoiding it. Palpatations started first day of heat wave, interesting.

  26. I have had palpatations since I was 30, I am 64 now, and have had them three days straight , today being my third. So, fed up with them , even thou nothing has ever happened to me in all those years, I try all the “cures” to no avail, nothing works.

    • Finally! palpatations are gone, went to dr. last week, he took blood and is going to put me on the holter for 24 hours ,but what happened when I got home was severe cramps in my toes, so I searched the net and it is from low potassium and or , low magnesium, so I loaded up both with food, not supplements and after two days, back to normal, so I just have to remember to keep doing it, I prefer the food route rather than the supplement route. Hope this helps someone, I did try Spirulina, but I have rheumatoid arthritis and it made it painfully worse in just three days, so thats out for me.

      • I too get palpitations. Also I have Polymalia Rhuematica. A kind of arthritis. Recently I started taking 1 teaspoon of Black Strap Molasses in the morning and night. I feel very much better with the arthritis pain and palpitation. The molasses is high in all vitamins especially Magnesium & Potassium. The BSM (Mollases) is made from the 3rd boiling of Sugar cane. You can buy them at most of the health stores in a bottle.

    • Hi I’m the same im 62 and have had them from my early 20 they are so frightning as I live on my own ,I had to go to A&E last week I was that bad with them they kept me in over night on a monitor did blood chest X-ray Eco and let me out next day said they were benigne I wish ther was something I could do to get rid they put me on a beta blocker don’t like them it is slowing me down and makes me nausa God bless

  27. I am so glad that this website exists – thank you so much! Its been a great help.
    I am 20 years old and have had heart palpitations for a few years now – I am constantly checking my pulse to see if I am still alive!! I do notice that my heart beats faster when breathing in, and slower and more off-beat when exhaling.

    I am currently trying to stop smoking, I don’t drink, and I am eating healthier and exercising more.. do you think I should still contact my GP? Or should I wait it out to see how I feel after changing my lifestyle?

    Thanks for all of your help.

    • Rachel, yes try to quit smoking I had them all the time I smoked, they totally stopped until just this past week for other reasons, Its hard to quit I know, but try the e-cig its the only thing that worked for me, used them for a couple of months and just stopped picking them up, now the smell of cigarette smoke or the smell on someones clothes repulses me, go figure lol.

      • For someone so young this is unusual. Some young (and older) get heart palpitations from too much exposure to wifi, cell phone microwaves, and electric company “smart meters”. You may be one who is more sensitive than most to these frquebcies, whicg can disturb the hearts ‘s natural electrical field/pulse.
        Perhaps experiment with exposure, then no ( or somewhat less) exposure, see what you observe.
        Do not sleep with a cell phone near you.
        Good luck!


        • Dear Wes, Jan,
          Thank you both for your comments. Today is day 4 with no cigarettes!

          I completely agree with your point about the exposure to frequencies and waves eg. wifi and mobile phones etc. I am very sensitive to light, heat, and lots of different foods – it wouldn’t surprise me if I was sensitive to this as well!

          Thanks again for the help!!

          • Hi Rachel, are you beginning to feel any better? The radio waves and smart meter thing sure does make sense to me as well, we are surrounded by them all day everyday. WTG on the four days not smoking!! Good luck but don’t put too much pressure on yourself.


          • Dear Jan,
            I am starting to feel much better, thank you for asking!
            I have also cut down my caffeine intake, and my heart palpitations have definitely reduced in number, and they are not a forceful as they were before!
            I am finding it quite hard to remove myself from areas with high frequencies – I work in IT, and I am surrounded by wifi, servers and am constantly on my phone for work. I will of course not sleep with my mobile under my pillow anymore though! I am very much looking forward to seeing more results.

            Thank you for your kind words and for listening to me. How are you feeling?

          • Congratulations on even TRYING to stop smoking.
            My father worked for 41 years in the tobacco industry, but did not smoke himself. He just liked sales work and he grew up on a tobacco farm in S.C.,
            so knew about that plant from the ground up. He was a great people person and remembered how cigs helped his buddies make it through the war in Europe….but he personally did not enjoy smoking.
            When he retired ALL his heavy smoking contemporaries had died from heart disease or cancer…before they could enjoy their big corporate pensions.
            Any way. I have always been afraid of smoking, after seeing the damage it did to most of the men who marketed it.
            Hang in there. Enjoy breathing the air and the spirit.

    • For anyone who wants to stop smoking.
      My method was stop smoking, on the 3rd day go to hypnotist and tell them to reinforce you will not have a desire to smoke later on when someone smokes nearby.
      I had quit 3 times before for a little more than a year and would start again with any anxiety with someone else smoking, i was start right then and there.
      One of my sons died when I had been quit for only 2 weeks. One other son sat next to me smoking through several days of preperation and burial. My whole family smoked, I would think ” a cigarette would be great, but before I could act on it it was dismissed} 5 years now.

  28. Dear Jan,
    I am starting to feel much better, thank you for asking!
    I have also cut down my caffeine intake, and my heart palpitations have definitely reduced in number, and they are not a forceful as they were before!
    I am finding it quite hard to remove myself from areas with high frequencies – I work in IT, and I am surrounded by wifi, servers and am constantly on my phone for work. I will of course not sleep with my mobile under my pillow anymore though! I am very much looking forward to seeing more results.

    Thank you for your kind words and for listening to me. How are you feeling?

    • Back to normal Rachel, after upping my potassium and magnesium levels. I am pretty sure within a few days you will feel even better. When I smoked I drank so much coffee,to me, the two go together coffee and a smoke. I now drink one cup a day, that I will never give up I do love my coffee. Let us know in a few days how your feeling.


  29. thank you so much reading your page is helping me understand there horrible things i hate them they make you feel so bad :(:( but i will watch what i eat from now on and try some of your breathing exercises thank you x

  30. I also have palpitation often . Consulted my family physician. She advised to cut in cigarettes and alcohol. Secondly don’t indulge in sex or porn after consuming alcohol as this increases the adrenaline in blood which results in palpitations. Third is that take light and simple dinner and plenty of salads, wait for about 1 hour before going to sleep. During this one hour do some sitting yoga asans, like vajrasan or padmasan and the breathing shud be slow and deep. Last is after waking up in the morning and attending to the regular morning activities eat on medium size semi ripe guava in empty stomach, wait for an hour before taking breakfast. Instead of tea or coffee, take fruit juices or yogurt with the breakfast. Hope this will help the readers of thisnote of mine. Be healthy and happy.

  31. I went though all the different permutations for months and months. I have also run the gauntlet of heart tests (MRI, Angiogram, Cat Scat, MCPS, Treadmill, Ultrasound etc etc) – all came up more or less clear.

    What eventually worked for me with the palpitations is Vitamin D3 every morning. I can’t explain why, but they went away after a couple of days and have never come back. The best reason I can think of is that Vit D aids the absorption of Phosphorous.

    If you have tried everything and are at tour wits’ end (like I was), then give it a go.

  32. All of this information has helped me. From the age of 14 I’ve had palpitations. From the start, I started to “squat”, hold my breath. This helped for years. I’m not sure how I knew at that age to do this, but within minutes the palpitations would stop. I could acutally feel a “thump”in my chest and a dull pain, and my heart would reset. Just this past year, the last 8 months, it’s become more frequent, and much longer and harder to stop. I get them mostly at night, and the last eposide lasted for almost 24 hours. I was on vacation. It was horrible. I don’t want to think that I suffer from anxiety, but I have found that taking CQo10 has seemed to help quite a bit. My last two eposides only last 10-20 minutes. One of the other things I have discovered is that when I get palpitations, I urinate quite a bit – has anyone else had this issue? It’s great to know that I’m not alone….

    • your palpitations and symptoms sounds 100% like mine. mine started at 15. I’m now in my 40s. magnesuim has helped but I still get them sometimes.
      they are so scary.

  33. Thank you so much for bringing up this nice collective bunch of helpful information. I do believe that this stuff works but as you said, while it might work for someone it might not work for another. I am a physician and I am having these palpitations and skipped beats since quiet sometime and I am combining medications and food with supplements to control it. My advice for people who start suffering from this kind of heart problem is : before embarking on taking these recipes things you need to know the cause of these palpitations through running thorough cardiac examination to sort out its causes whether it’s pure electrical issue, structural (heart muscle or valves) or functional. Because some causes can not be cured with simply taking these recipes. I hope this may add to a useful information.

  34. I am 66 yrs old and have suffered with palpations on and off all my life it seems. When I get them they last for weeks. I am so tired of them!! I am relieved to have found this site. I don’t feel so alone. Thank you so much . I am having a bad spell for the last month. I am going to try some of the methods I have read here.

    • I agree. It helps to have company who understand.
      My best solutions have to do with exposure to wifi, cell phones, smart meters, all microwave wireless communications.
      If I shield from these and create some safe space, it helps my heart beat normally.
      Keep your sleep areas free from cell phones, electric digital clocks, etc.
      I also use a “Swiss Shield DayLite fabric” to 360 degrees surround my sleep place.
      Good Luck.
      Love all.

  35. really use full to me ……thanks

  36. This is an interesting fact people that live close to airports are three times more likely to have cardiology issues, due to electrical frequency interfering with the heart.
    I think Wifi, microwaves, cell phones, lab top , new digital car is emitting are really damaging to us EMS, electo magnetic sensitivity is something we will begin to hear a lot more of, there is town where there is no WIFI no cell phone towers and a lot of EMS people go there to live. either that or Farday cage to shield you.

  37. Hello All,

    It took me awhile to muster up the courage to write anything on this symptom because I’ve been so refusing to accept that this may be apart of my life now. I am 28 years old and for the most part I’ve never had any real health problems. Out of nowhere these heart palps started last month and lasted for a full week. Of course I went to the ER in panic and they ran blood tests, xrays, heart monitor tests, and they did notice I had some pvcs from my readings but otherwise said I was healthy. I had just started a new job and had been drinking more coffee than usual so I thought to myself “okay let me cut out caffeine” and see what happens.
    After prayer, eliminating all caffeine, taking 1000 mg of magnesium a night and and only drinking water my palps stopped for three weeks straight. However during the fourth week I started to focus on how much of a horrible experience the palps were that boom…they started up again. This time was especially depressing because I had hoped that maybe they would have been gone for good.
    Well I’m here to share my story because like all of you who have come to this page you feel an extreme loneliness and agony because it seems that no one understands…not the doctors, not your friends and family. Everyone says “it will be okay”, not knowing how hard it is to do life’s most basic pleasure which is to “relax” out of the sudden fear of an uneasy thump in your chest.
    This symptom (I won’t call it a disease) hit me out of nowhere. I often times think about how simple my life truly was before these palps but you know what? I’m not going to let them beat me. I have a great job, I have three amazing little boys, I have a woman that loves me, and most importantly I have God and I know he can do all things but fail.
    My journey with this has just started but I will beat it, all of us will beat it because even though it may not seem like we are strong enough to bare it…we can. I’m not someone speaking from the outside but I am in this with all of you. So here is my advice.
    -Pray (I know some of you may not be religious but this has truly helped me the most)
    -Go to the doctor just to eliminate any serious condition
    -Eliminate all caffeine and alcohol.
    -Get plenty of rest (I know sometimes this can be a challenge but it is a must)
    -Find a supplement that works for you. I’ve been taking a pure magnesium supplement every night and I do notice that my thumps haven’t been as forceful as they were before.
    -Do your research. (Because no matter what me or anyone else says you are gonna do it anyway)
    -Accept the fact that this won’t kill you. And stop obsessing over the internet because the more you do this the worse you are gonna feel.
    -I’m about to try to exercise and I’m sure that will help because I notice that the more active I am the less notice them.
    -Lastly…let’s try not to live in fear. I think this was the worst thing for me..not knowing when it was gonna happen so it gave me bad anxiety and anxiety will trigger them.

    We can beat this everyone. Stay encouraged! I know it’s not always easy but that is life sometimes. I think one if the most distressing things is that most of us didnt even know that this was a thing before it happened to us and then as soon as we first feel it our life changes. Trust me I understand what you are going through. If anyone needs to talk or just needs to vent feel free to email me:
    God bless!

    • This is a pioneering website.
      Thank you for serving a forum available beyond out of date understanding, or uninformed conventional medicine as well.
      In Europe, the single payer, nation sponsored health care systems are starting to recognize that EMF ( man made electrical magnetic frequencies) are causative of mant symptoms, including heartbeat irregularities.
      It is understood, in some developed countries there, that such things as wifi, cell. phones, cell antennas, and certain conventional electrical exposures can cause heart problems, among otherwise phantom health issues.
      Electro-hyper-sensitivity, EHS, is the diagnosis. It is a formally recognized disability, reimbursible in. their. health care system.
      Please include this on your list of possible cauative factors, if you can concur. Presently about 2-5% of their. populations are legally entitled to this. designation and apporpriate social-medical-financial care.
      This means wifi exposure, cell phone frequencies, cell antennas, even conventional A/C Current appliances, , some computer interfaces and high voltage power lines can cause health, especially heart beat issues,
      it is prposed that over use, or overexposure by proximity to EMFs triggers a tipping point in the environmentale stress load we each carry, each of us with a diifferent threshhold of exposure before sysytems emerg.
      Fortunately I found a hip cardiologist in N, California, who understand how this microwave soup we live in inhabit increaasingly has real effect on the heartbeat patterns.
      One remedy is scheduling exposure levels so. to minimize themm , especially enter sleep. as. un-charged as possible. There are devices sold which help some to neutralze EMFs ,
      I sleep in a mesh cage made of ..”Swiss-Sheild Daylite! Fabric” , like a 360. degree mosquito net, I stay away fro, or monitor exposure to dense urban setting and where wifi is used, along with dense cell phone microwave sources, electrical equipment ,
      fog, etc.
      I have had to simplify and move to a semi-rural area with much less of this EMF invisible atmosphere.
      Time in unelectrified narural settings, clearer bio-sphere, helps much to reset he heart.
      I understand that so much of modern communications, bybrid or electric cars, even health care matters, rely on these technologies.

      There it is.
      A paradox which each one of us has to find a workable balance in.

      Please consider including this inormation on your educational forum.

      Best Wishes,

      Wes Vaught

  38. I have hoshimotos thyroiditis I’m 24 an for the past 3 to 4 days I’ve had these really bad I was going crazy bc I’m not stressed I dont feel stressed an I tried all that nothing works I’ve tried sleeping but its hard too bc it worries me I try distracting myself it didn’t work either…. I can’t go to my Dr till tomorrow an I’m so freaked out if anything this is stressing me out lol, ik its probly all in my head but it came on all of a sudden I’ve had them before but never this frequently an for such a long duration… So I did research too an ig what I have can also cause low blood sugar which can cause them too so I ate green beans an peanut butter an I haven’t had them yet, “knock on wood* idk if this will really help or not… The only thing that helped before but only once was the hold ur nose an blow through ur first like a balloon, but I tried the next day an nothing…. I’m hoping my Dr will listen to me an not think I’m crazy an its in my head an figure out if it was my blood sugar or my medication I’m taking or my thyroid acting up for some reason, or something other idk which I want more bc I just want to feel better an be able to not worry an be healthy again… Well healthish lol

    • Sometimes over exposure to wfi, cell phones, or smart meters such stuff…can trigger palps. This is my frequent comment, but bears repeating since it is often overlooked as a trigger.
      Good going on dietary solutions. It is primary to our health in all kinds of ways.

      Be kind with yourself. You are not alone in this.

      Best Wishes,

  39. Hello everyone. I just found something I think you will all find interesting, useful and reassuring like I did. There is a cardiologist on you tube (has his own website too) that has posted many great videos on the subject close to our hearts (pun intended). His name is Dr Gupta from York in the UK. Google him.

  40. Hi there,

    First and foremost- thank you very much for creating this blog as it gave me some good tips (such as taking magnesium) and helped calm my nerves in general.

    I’ve since seen my cardiologist regarding palpitations and he said it is nothing serious, but I did have some arrhythmia and fibrillation. My full story is below for those who want to read my perspective:-


    Hi there,

    A bit of my personal background which relates to gastro issues before going into the heart palpitations/arrhythmia.

    I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease) in 2008 and had a right hemicolectomy, which basically meant 10cm of my right bowel had to be removed due to inflammation from the Crohn’s. I was on Flagyl, an antibiotic, after I had the bowel surgery.

    Afterwards I’ve pretty much only been on Questran Lite medication, which is a mixture I drink once per day in the morning which eases the diarrhoea symptoms post surgery. (My stools are usually watery but things haven’t been bad, I open my bowels once a day and everything was manageable).

    I think the palpitations/arrhythmia may have started a few years back (vague I know), where my mother when she hugged me told me sometimes my heart was beating a little fast in her opinion.

    Also, when having a bath, I did look at my chest to see my heart beating a little fast. I shrugged all of this off, foolishly not following up with a cardiologist/GP.

    About a year to a year and a half ago from estimation, I woke up in the middle of the night randomly with, well, a pounding palpitation. I put this down to some sort of panic attack and again, didn’t follow up with a GP/Cardiologist as I thought it was some subconscious nightmare I didn’t remember.

    Flashforward to October 16th this year, where I had been put on some medication called azathioprine on advice by my Gastroenterologist due to a bit of a Crohn’s flareup which was detected by a colonoscopy. Azathioprine is basically an immunosuppressant which is used to treat Crohn’s ‘flare ups’–it is one theory that the inflammation that Crohn’s causes is due to the immune system of the body attacking itself, hence the idea is if you supress the immune system the Crohn’s flare up is meant to go down as well.

    About 12 days into taking this medication, I had a very bad reaction to it and eventually had to go off the medication. The symptoms included nausea, vomiting, worse diarrhoea, fever close to 40 and…heart palpitations. In hospital my heart rate was at one stage 160 BPM lying down and they had to get the emergency doctors where my heart rate spontaneously reverted to 120 BPM. Scary stuff.

    I since have gone to see a cardiologist when I was discharged from hospital- the hospital’s initial diagnosis was that everything, including the heart palpitations/arrhythmia, was due to the bad reaction to the medication.

    The cardiologist said that it looks to be an electrical problem and I have had a few holter monitors done, my next appointment is next Friday to discuss the results of the latest monitor. I feel like I am coming back to normal as I have taken a lot of supplements (B12, Magnesium etc), and that there is less fluttering and palpitations.

    I have so many questions, but I guess my main one is…do I have an underlining condition and my medication reaction made it worse and more obvious, or did the medication cause the palpitations/arrhythmia, and knocked my heart ‘off rhythm’. I am leaning towards the former, that I had this condition, as it would explain myself waking up in the middle of the night with the strong palpitations before I went on the medication. But it is really the chicken and the egg idea here.

    The fact that I have had 10cm of bowel removed could also mean that I have difficulty in absorbing nutrients/electrolytes (or too many electrolytes leaving my body due to the diarrhoea from the surgery), and my further poor choices (including excessive drinking on weekends), contributed to these palpitations. I have since quit drinking and caffeine and have been trying to get my life back on track.

    I have also read that there is a connection between the stomach/gut/ and the heart.

    Thanks for reading and this community and stay safe everyone.

  41. Hi folks. I’m glad to have found this site.
    I just found out that Coq10 was giving me terrible palpitations! I started taking them a month ago, about 400 to 500mg day, and I developed hours of daily palpitations that seemed to be like a earthquake in my chest. Luckily I read here someone mentioning Coq10 as a cause. I stopped yesterday and I have been free of Palpitations since then! I feel great now. I thank for the beautiful people here that share their experiences to help others.
    Cheers to all! Happy holidays and a new year free of palpitations!

  42. Thanks for this blog and all the contributions. I have had palps as early as I can remember as young as 8 years old. I am now 72. My life has been fairly normal and very healthy with the exception of palps every now and again. I learned early on that controlling my breathing usually makes them go away. I also learned that if I am occupied doing something interesting, they normally do not occur. However, the last few years, since retirement, the occur more frequently. I am a few pounds overweight now and do not exercise like I used to. Was a runner for many years. The last few months have been miserable. Sleeping has been difficult due to palps. For some reason laying down seems to trigger them now. As a result of information in this blog, I am going to try to increase my magnesium intake and be sure I remain hydrated. In answer to another post, yes, when I have these bouts of palps that are going on right now, I have to urinate more frequently than normal. Sounds like there might be some sort of relationship there. Thanks for this resouce and I will post back with my results.

  43. Does anyone here have atrial fibrillation?

  44. I just want to thankyou for finding this site it has really helped me to read other stories the same please keep it going as it’s the first site ive came across that has helped me thankyou

  45. Teas with Ginkgo Biloba, Ginger and Honey helped me after 20 days.
    I will definitely try stopping peanut butter for 1 month….will keep you posted.
    Any silence meditation, hypnosis or yoga its ruled out for me because of my tinnitus. It drives me crazy to be in silence.

  46. I think I found a new way to stop heart palpitations for a while. I tried holding my breath and it immediately stopped!

  47. Wonderful site with so many useful ideas to try. My heart rate irregularities came as a big surprise to me in November 2015 and after my Atenolol prescribed for 15+ years started causing me slow heart rate problems, was stopped by a cardiologist a month later, the blips and arrhythmia started big time. According to the results of the tests these are benign. Extremely disturbing though. I’ve stopped tea and coffee, drinking decaf and red bush tea. Currently I’m using hawthorn, motherwort and lemon balm tinctures to strengthen & calm my heart plus I started Magnesium and taurine 3 weeks ago. Also this week I’ve been having a glass of good sherry every afternoon and am taking Valerian for the next couple of weeks. My triggers are eating hard food or big meals, putting clothes on over my head, hot weather or hot showers, my cardiac exercise class I’ve joined, sitting in my chair with a laptop on my lap etc etc etc. But I have noticed since I started the magnesium that the odd beats feel less. I have even had one or two days without any. Yipee.

  48. Well, since my initial post in December, 2015, I started supplementing magnesium, lost over 20 pounds (still losng), and increased my hydration. Palps did not decrease and in fact got to a point that I was hardly getting any sleep. Went to the emergency room three days ago when I just could not get them to stop. After all the tests they did get an ekg while one was going on. That helped because when there are no palps everything looks healthy and normal. The on duty cardiac doctor added 25mg twice daily of lopressor. It has been only two days of that now but it has helped considerably. If a palp starts, it is now much milder and I can stop it much more easily than before. However, the palps are few and far between now. I have an appointment with a cardioligist in two weeks who specializes in palps among other things. I am continuing my weight loss, magnesium, and keeping hydrated. I will update my experiences after seeing the specialist.

  49. Why do you say to avoid peanut butter?

  50. Hi There,

    I suffer from Heart Palpitations, Had high blood pressure in past Managed to get rid of medication with lifestyle change and some weight loss.
    But after stopping medication i got Palpitations some day’s real bad feels like heart has stopped for 3 sec or so.

    Anyway to the point what gives me palpitations:

    1. Less sleep , if somebody wakes me up when in deep sleep.
    2. Big meal, Dry fruit’s all nuts peanuts are the worst ones.
    3. too much tea or salt etc.

    What helps me:

    1. Lot of sleep.
    2. eat as little as possible at a time.
    3. Exercise. deep breathing/ tapping/ coughing
    4. Music
    5. drinking lot of water.

    To all out their thanks for sharing lot of great tips and advice on this website
    I wish we all find cure for this.
    Yes take good care of yourself stay health.


    • Dear Nick and all,

      My personal experience has shown that proximity to wifi transmitters and concentrated cell phone energy is a trigger. I have a low threshold for this kind of electrical interference to the heart beat.

      Best Wishes,

  51. Since my last post, I have seen a cardiologist and have been diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia (svt). The recommended treatment was svt ablation since he is also an electrophysiologist. I had the ablation five days ago. I have not had a palpitation since then. He found two abnormal pathways and destroyed them. When I awoke from the procedure, I felt fantastic and have felt so since then. It is amazing that type of procedure can be accomplished with very little disruption to normal life activities. I spent overnight in the hospital for observation of the heart and entry sites in the groin of the catheter. There are restrictions of lifting for a week and that is it, in my case anyway. The result is wonderful. I am thankful for this site. I would encourage you to get an official diagnosis of your condition if you have not done so in the past. I failed to do that and suffered for years with a condition that was easily corrected. I know that there are many other conditions that are not as easily fixed. I am really enjoying life now.

  52. Further, they’re also tapping mobile devices as an access portal into an organization’s broader,
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  53. hi Dave, thanks for the tips, I will try all of them. I have found that when I walk uphill, my palpitations stop, at least for a while.

  54. Oh my gosh! This article and all your comments are a Godsend. I have had heart palpitations for quite some time and after many years of misdiagnosis I found out I had Graves’ disease and so all my symptoms were attributed to that and no further testing was done on anything else, I would still get the palpitations and was prescribed Xanax as Graves can cause a chemical anxiety, I finally had my thyroid removed.. fast forward 3 years later and I still get palpitations and told just to take the Xanax. ( I hate medication) so I searched for homeopathic ways to help with anxiety and it helped quite a bit, but I still would have the heart palpitations ( I could never understand how anxiety would give me them in the middle of the night while asleep to wake me up) I know a long story, I’m sorry. So l few nights ago started getting really dizzy and was vomiting all night, went to the urgent care the next day and they ran an EKG and of couse it showed an abnormality ( the name was to long for me to remember) but basically my heart beats to fast to fill up my heart with blood completely and was given a shot of steroids and told to go to a cardiologist ASAP. So of course that freaked me out and it’s a weekend so I am self diagnosing on WebMDand I find this sight and use some of the recommendations and guess what palpitations are better, a little flutter here and there but not the knock down drag out am I going to die palpitations..

    • Hi Carrie. Another factor to be aware of is the influence of wifi and cell phones. They can mess with the natural heartbeat and cause palps. Turn off and/or keep yopur distance fro wifi, cell phones, etc., electric utility smart meters, and cordless phones. This may help. It was the main key for me.
      The heart has a natural electrical frequency and wireless devices are too stimulating for some people. Experiment and see. Go camping/hiking somewhere and see how you feel away from it all. (turn off your wifi/cell phone and do not sleep with it near).
      Good luck as you dicover what works for you.

  55. Hey, I’m 20 year old male, relatively healthy, normal BMI etc. I’ve started getting heart palpitations ever since I went for some volunteer work in South Africa (Beginning of this year) back then I had less than ten a day, got checked out and was told my heart was structurally normal & I have something called ‘Atrial Ectopic Beats’ & the doctor assured me I had nothing to worry about. And eventually they went away.

    A few months later they returned and I had circa 50 a day. (Lasting only a second each time) And again after ‘accepting’ that there’s not much I could do about it, eliminating the fear of death they gradually became better. Along eating more foods rich in magnesium, trying to get better sleep etc

    During another month of having these heart palpitations my girlfriend at the time had broken up with me and I remember my heart palpitations had gone to 0 and stayed that way for two months. I found that very strange and worth mentioning.

    And, unfortunately they’ve returned again. Lately I’ve been getting a few hundred a day every few minutes and its absolutely taking the joy away from life. I have a bit of stress lately but don’t feel like it’s more than I can handle, I rarely drink alcohol, don’t smoke, don’t ever have coffee/tea (Caffeine) & considering supplementing with magnesium.

    It’s so strange that they’ve returned more intensely & I can’t seem to find a trigger. It’s really worrying me that I’ve never had it this bad. Don’t want to go to the hospital again since that is very financially draining.

    • I started with PVC’s and PAC’s about 2 years ago. Sometimes my heart skipped almost every 3rd beat for minutes or hours. Sometimes it went into a very slow beat which scared me silly and I have to cough or try the Valsalva maneuver to re-set the rhythm. I have the usual 24 hr halter monitor and echo and nothing out of the ordinary showed up. My doctor did a serum blood test for magnesium (the standard) which came back normal. I did a lot of research and read a book called The Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Dean. She suggest having an RBC blood test for magnesium. I did this and found I was deficient in magnesium. I suggest you try supplementing with Magnesium. My doctor prescribed buffered chelate magnesium which is supposed to have less of a laxative effect than others. You may find immediate relief or it may take a few days/weeks of supplementation. After 6 months of supplemental magnesium (I now take a product called Remag which is recommended by Dr. Dean) I rarely have any episodes. I do still have an occasional few skips if I’m tired or very stressed.

      • I have been playing with a theory that slow heart rate causes it. At least for some. Recently I used water to improve the palps, and I noticed, despite what I thought would happen, my heart rate went up. From 56 or so resting to 65 resting. That led me to believe that the water caused my heart to function better/ the heart got more energy. I have seen studies that say that beta blockers actually are associated with increased risk of heart attack and also “cures” for this like iodine will just happen to increase your heart rate via thyroid action. Age is also a risk factor for them and your heart rate slows as you age.

    • You have lots of company here.
      One factor to be aware of, that is seldom mentioned, is exposure to wifi and cell phones.
      These wireless frequencies can throw off the heart’s natural rhythm.
      Minimize exposure/proximity, to these as best you can, and see if that helps.
      Good luck.

  56. We shall call ourselves “Palp People”.
    The ones that are talking to their hearts way moore than the others!!!!

  57. Can they last for hours or days? I have recently been experiencing them for what seems to be hours and even a week at a time. sometimes i may get short periods of relief? is this normal? they last for a week than i wont get them, than they come back? Dr says it may be acid re flux? sure does not feel that way.

    • Mine used to come and go. Sometimes I would experience them for a few minutes, sometimes they would go on for hours then just disappear. Other times is was for days, on and off, then disappear for a week or two. What made all the difference to me was supplementing with magnesium. I did a lot of research on the best types to take then experimented on the best does for myself. In the 10 months since I started the magnesium I have improved to the point that, apart from an occasional flutter, especially if I am tired or stressed, my palpitations have gone. Before that I suffered continuously for 2-3 years. If you are not taking mag, try it, it may help.

      • What brand, how much and when do you take it?

        • My doctor prescribed Magnesium Buffered Chelate made by ‘designs for health’ You can order online. Each capsule is 150mg. I took between 4 -5 daily for a couple of months. I was still having some regular heart skips but if I took a higher dose then I had a problem with the laxative effect. Then I read a book by Carolyn Dean, M.D. called The Magnesium Miracle. I followed her suggestions which was to get an RBC blood test to see what my real level of magnesium was (my doctors test came back normal). The RBC test showed a deviancy even though I had been taking the extra mag supplements. Dr. Dean has her own brand of liquid magnesium (which tastes very bitter but I am used to it now). I ordered the product and have been taking one teaspoon daily(divided into 4 x 1/4 teaspoon doses about every 3-4 hours). My heart settled down within about 2-3 weeks. I have been taking this product for 7 months now and only get the occasional skip or flutter. You could also try magnesium citrate. Start with recommended doses and increase until either heart settles down or you get a laxative problem, then cut back. This worked for me but we are all different and the palpitations can be caused by different things. I suffered for years and went through all the same testing that most of the people who post here. I never thought my issue could be resolved so easily. Good Luck.

  58. Great post!
    I myself try to drink cold water with some sweet stuff. Or i have some candies.
    I mean i pour sugar in cold water and i mix it then i drink and it feel good as soon as i drink that.
    And some foods that make me have palpitations are #1 coffee #2 strong tea #3 taurine #4 foods which lower my blood pressure like garlic or kiwifruit or onion
    And what i had realized throughout experiences is that when I eat too much i have palpitations so i have divided my daily meals to 5-6 parts with a low amount of food
    I hope my experiences work out for u too
    Keep calm 😉

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  60. Thank you so much for this website. It is a great contribution to all of us who live with these symptoms. I started having PVC 16 years ago and almost every day of my life I ask where do this come from, why did I get this, how to cure this. All heart exams showed normal, blood tests. In the last year after studying and researching a lot about naturopathic medicine, I discovered a couple of things in my case. My random sporadic skipped beats do not come from sugar, caffeine, stress alone, lack of sleep. Sure these factors contribute to skipped beats, but they are not the cause. I discovered that if I eat plenty of food during the day, I will feel more than one skipped beat a day. Fasting for a whole day, that means eating close to nothing, completely eliminates the skipped beats. In other words “I don’t feel my heart” if I don’t eat. Of course the solution is not stopping to eat lol. But I thing Im on the right track. There is something, possibly an added ingredient or some chemical in the food triggering my irregular heartbeat. I have to mention also that I came from a different country in 2001. That same year my irregular heartbeat started for the first time in my life. Hope this helps others, I am still in this research process and if I discover new things I will let everybody know.

    • I have seen a few illusions to paps being set off by eating. Has anyone heard of Roemheld syndrome? Basically the stomach or in some cases GERD puts pressure on the vagus nerve.

      • In the beginning a lot of people told me that could be a nerve or something similar that “feels” like a skipped heart beat but is not the heart. But in my case I documented it. When I first developed these symptoms, I had a couple of episodes in which a beat was skipping every 2 or 3 beats. Very scare. These episodes lasted for a few hours each. During one of them, while feeling my pulse in my wrist, each time I “felt” the skipped beat in my chest I had no pulse. So I knew it was the heart. Further more, during another episode I went to the ER. As soon as I was admitted, I told the nurse in the hallway “please feel my pulse” When he saw that I was sporadically not having a pulse, he looked at me scared and rushed me to a bed. EKG was done which showed a “benign” premature ventricular contraction.

    • What country did you move from?

  61. Glad to have found this blog! I’ve had palps for about 6-7 years, I’m in my early 30s. Been to the doctor and had the full check and everything was normal, the doctors explanation was stress. I do believe that mine can be triggered with stress, but I also very much believe somehow they are linked to what I eat or my digestive system. I often get them after eating large meals, but can also get them while sitting at my desk working as normal, between meals. I also notice that mine can come in waves. I can go a month or two without any at all, and then get them multiple times a day for a few days in a row. An herb that has worked well for me which I’m surprised wasn’t in your supplement list, is Ashwaghanda. Also a tea that has really proven to help (and I’ve tried many) is a holy basil tea called Organic India. I drink it almost every night before bed. Also exercise does help, and also meditation (I use the free Calm app). These all help when they are stress related. But when they seem to be food related the only thing I can do is ride it out. MSG definitely seems to trigger mine (I can’t eat much Asian food any more). Or any sort of artificial ingredient. You’d be surprised how many foods have food colorings added that I believe trigger mine. Anyway, I’m very happy I found this resource, and will stay up to date!

    • Hey Corey, to answer your previous question, I came from Chile. Might make a difference, because that country back in the day still had very natural foods, away from GMO’s and highly processed foods. Today is already invaded by Monsanto but at least I grew up in that natural world back in the day.

  62. Hello. First of all, I’m so happy to have found this website!! I’m a 31 single mother of three and I was just told I have arrhythmia… so I’m desperately looking for any information. I don’t even know what kind yet, I’m still waiting for my cardiologist to send over the results from the 24-hour monitor to my Doc to be interpreted, but I was told it showed arrhythmia.

    I’ve suffered from anxiety attacks for years, but I knew right away what I was feeling was new and different. Sometimes it’s a rapid succession of what feels like popping bubbles in my neck (and if I’m exercising, they can hurt) – sometimes it’s just a few very quick and strong thumps in my chest or neck. I definitely get them more when I try to exercise and it’s really bumming me out.

    Anyway, I wanted to thank you for all this information. Under Medicines That Could CAUSE Heart Palpitations —- I would add PPI’s. I started getting my palpitations after I’d been taking PPI’s to treat GERD for almost a year… and when I asked my Doc about it and looked into it, they can cause palpitations (from what is thought to be by impeding magnesium absorption) – I think they may contribute in other ways however, because my magnesium levels were tested and within normal range.

    • Magnesium tests only show serum magnesium. You may still be low, try supplementing and see if it helps. Worst that can happen you will have loose bowels. But I would wait to see what the doc says. What you describe sounds different to PVCs. Anxiety does seem to be a big factor in some arrhythmias such as PVCs. Good luck.

  63. I apologize for my late reply, but I think is important to post all our experiences and experiments for the benefit of all of us.

    One thing, I believe is important to specify our symptoms. The term “palpitations” is confusing because some people use it to describe fast heart rate, others to describe skipped heart beats which fall medically I think under the same category but they are two different things. My symptoms are skipped heart beats. When they randomly happen, my heart rate is perfectly normal. I could be just sitting watching tv and one happen. Other times I could be exercising heavy at the gym with a heart rate of 120 and one happen randomly.

    But going back to my suspicion about food, interestingly enough I spent a week in Brazil a week ago. ALL those days down there, not a single skipped beat. Even more, because I wanted to enjoy local food, I ate everything. Drank plenty of local coffee which by the way is DELICIOUS and DO NOT cause that hyper jittery feeling you get with American coffee because al our beans are GMO and with added chemicals. But anyways, I came back, a couple of days later a sporadic random skipped beat.

    So every day I am more and more convinced there is something in the food supply. Not a nutrient, but some added chemical or coloring or pesticide you name it. The fact that while fasting I don’t get any skipped beat and when I eat I get them randomly, of course is something in the electrical system of the heart, it comes from the central nervous system, but something is triggering that. Is not just a random occurrence. It has to have a cause.

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  65. I finally seemed to find the problem. My palpitations were not the “my heart races” type. I had perfectly normal heart rate. But randomly my palpitations would happen. I had only PVCs per a holter monitor. So I was having premature contractions. I noticed that I had them less if I stopped caffeine. But that made no sense because I had that same level of caffeine all my life. There had to be a natural underlying change that was causing the coffee to have double the effect. Finally I read an article where a doctor said that caffeine causes your heart to contract more forcefully. So I thought… what would naturally cause that as well? The answer… blood calcium. So I looked up my last blood calcium level… it was sky high. The highest I ever had in my life. 9.9. It was normal but at the very highest end of normal. So my doctor insisted I was fine but I know I wasn’t because my calcium concentration was too high for me. Calcium causes all muscles to contract more frequently and with greater force. Your heart is a muscle.

    There are a few things that can cause high blood calcium one is dehydration and one is lack of absorption co factor such as, magnesium, K2 and Vitamin D. So you see, many people report that dehydration causes the paps but the explanation they would give me didn’t work. They would say that dehydration causes high heart rate… but that wasn’t my case.. so I didn’t try to rehydrate myself.

    I retested and my level came down to 9.4 (which means I don’t have a PTH disease). 9.4 was the highest level I had previously seen. This suggest the calcium is coming down. I did what I could to reduce my calcium, I drank more water, I upped the magnesium, and interestingly, i introduced salt which I said to take calcium with it when it leaves your body and I have gone two weeks without them.

    It is very hard to get calcium up due to what your eating but if you produce the perfect storm as I might have.. of increasing calcium foods while becoming dehydrated and also not having absorption co factors.. your calcium can go high — FOR YOU. I am frustrated with my doctor because the calcium result was and obvious red flag.

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  1. Can Sleep Cure Your Heart Palpitations? | Life Off Beat - September 16, 2014

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]

  2. Finding Cures for Heart Palpitations | Life Off Beat - April 6, 2015

    […] over the next few weeks and months I will be posting about all the possible cures for heart palpitations as well as how I have been managing my heart skips. I will also try to provide some in-depth […]

  3. 7 Exercises That Help Stop Heart Palpitations | Life Off Beat - April 9, 2015

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]

  4. Can Dehydration Cause Heart Palpitations? | Life Off Beat - April 14, 2015

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]

  5. 4 Breathing Exercises I Use To Help Stop My Heart Palpitations | Life Off Beat - April 22, 2015

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]

  6. How I Use Meditation to Relieve Palpitations | Life Off Beat - April 30, 2015

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]

  7. 6 Ways to Instantly Stop Heart Palpitations | Life Off Beat - June 16, 2016

    […] Few things are worse (or scarier) than palpitations that come every few seconds and won’t seem to go away.  It feels like your heart is about to give up.  I have often focused on permanent remedies that will remove heart palpitations for good, but there are some temporary techniques/solutions that will hopefully stop or slow them down for a while. (If you want to see a longer list of cures and remedies, be sure to check out my post called “The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations”) […]

  8. 3 Reasons I Do Yoga for Heart Palpitations | Life Off Beat - June 24, 2016

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]

  9. My Favorite Supplement for Heart Palpitations | Life Off Beat - July 1, 2016

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]

  10. Could An Electrolyte Imbalance Be Causing Your Heart Palpitations? | Life Off Beat - November 11, 2016

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]

  11. Can a Chiropractor Help Reduce Heart Palpitations? | Life Off Beat - February 8, 2017

    […] [Note: This post is part of a larger series about the The Best Cures and Remedies for Heart Palpitations] […]